Now that the spring show season is over, Jenn and I regroup, relax, and re-stock. I was able, for the first time, to purchase what is called a "bump" from our fiber supplier. This is 22 POUNDS of fluffy, soft, wonderfulness. I chose BFl for my first bump. Easy to dye, beautiful to spin and well liked by our customers.
I thought I would share my babies, first pictures..... Here she is fresh from the postman. I honestly thought it was gonna be a HUGE box, but alas, no it was a normal/average sized container.
See what I mean, it's sitting in the dry sink so it can't run away as I put out its guts, normal in size. No fork lift needed to drop this guy off.
I started breaking down this bad boy into 4 ounce balls....... After about 5 pounds and not seeing a dent in the box, I stopped for the evening. The rest of the bump was placed in it's own snug rubbermaid container to wait until I needed more.
I was attempting to clean stuff up in expectation of my new arrival, remember I was thinking this was gonna be HUGE. Look how tidy and all the empty bins..... Since this picture was taken I have removed the gray cabinet (left hand side of the picture) and moved it to another room, to give myself space for another countertop. Jenn and I are looking at doing some wholesale, and I wanted to make sure I had enough room to dye in bulk. Sweet huh?
Thanks for looking at my baby's pictures ;)
Happy Spinning
Ooooh, excited to see what you do with it!